Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blessings . . .

Every evening at dinner we go around the table and each person has to say three of their favorite blessings from the day.  This has led to many interesting  conversations in the last 6 months or so and I think we should start sharing these.  So last night Austin asks if he could please have 4 blessings to be thankful for.  We told him that would be fine and he could list as many blessings that he could think of for today:

"My first two blessings are my big mommy and my big daddy.  My third (sounds like furd) blessing is playing outside in the sprinkler (which he did not do that day!).  My fourth blessing is lemonade.  My fifth blessing today is ummmmmm, my fifth blessing today is napkins (he was looking around to find something to throw in there).  My sixth blessing is this good food that daddy made for me to eat and my seventh (sounds like sveventh) blessing is that Colton is eating all his broccoli!  (adorable in the fact that Colton did eat all his broccoli and Austin wouldn't touch his!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hide and Seek is becoming a really fun game at our house!  The boys are getting better at hiding . . . they will both be really quiet and usually sit real still too.  These are a couple shots from our basement.  Austin is pretty good about "helping" Colton find a place to hide so Colton is not always sure how he ends up where he is but he is always happy to be playing whatever Austin is playing!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oh I love this picture!!!  It can be tough to catch one of Colton's amazing smiles but I did it!!!!  Here he is rolling down the driveway in his car.  And if you have not seen him in this car yet, let me tell you, no one else gets to ride in this car but him.  If he even thinks Austin is looking at this car, Colton runs directly to the car as fast as his adorable little legs can carry him and he will just sit in it for however long it takes to stake his claim!!  Since our driveway is on an incline, it is perfect for Colton to scoot himself up the driveway backwards and then lift his legs to really roll all the way down to the end of it!!  Love him and absolutely love this grin!!

Sum Sum Summa Time!

 We invested in an adorable Elmo sprinkler that has already paid off!!  The boys love running through this crazy sprinkler and getting wet!  These pictures are from last Saturday morning.  We went on a walk, which ended with the boys running through the neighbors sprinkler so I figured we should go home and get our own sprinkler out.  This was the first sprinkler appearance of the summer and the boys had a great time.

 After running through the sprinkler the boys were tired and cold and thirsty so we wrapped them up in towels, got them water and a popsicle.  Colton is such a big boy, keeping up with his big brother.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tonight while we were putting on jammies ~

Austin:  "Mommy?" 
Me:  "Yes sweetie?"
Austin:  "If you and Daddy could fly, you would be sooo cool!"

I  Love him.

Celebration weekend!

Last Friday was Uncle Nate's birthday so we had cake!  Austin put the candles on the cake and both boys helped blow out the candles!!  I think we lit the candles two or three times so that everyone got a chance to blow them out!

Love this picture of Colton!

Colton concentrating really hard on blowing out ALL those candles!

Colton enjoying his cake!  So cute!!

On Mother's Day we went on to George Wyth State Park and had a picnic and the boys played on the playground equipment.  Then we went and walked the trails for a little while.  Colton enjoyed the stroller ride and Austin was in search of sticks and rocks that he could throw in the water.  We found plenty of sticks along the way and had a lot of fun.  When we got home, Colton took a nap while Brian and Austin washed my car.  Austin managed to get sopping wet from head to toe, Brian stayed dry and the car looks great!!  We grilled with some friends and the kids ran through their sprinkler.  It was a beautiful day and we all enjoyed it very much!  Austin told me Happy Mother's Day a few times and wanted to make sure I was having a good Mother's Day a few times too!  He is so precious. . . love those two little blessings!!